CD Shipping Costs

CD Shipping Costs

CD Shipping Costs

One of the questions we receive often from our CD producers is how much it costs to deliver the album to a certain location.

As we write this article, the shipping price costs $4.73 to ship your CD inside United States and to ship it to most of the world.

But there is an easier way to calculate the shipping price to any location in any quantity.

We have created a test product inside of your CD Producer panel. Please find it in your “My Albums” section. You can play with it, pretend to buy it in any numbers to see how much it cost to ship any location. After you see the shipping costs, you can simply delete it from your cart. This is the easiest way to calculate the shipping fee to any location and in any quantity.

If you are not a CD Producer user, you can sign up and check inside platform here.

Artglider’s CD Producer offers no minimum order CD production for musicians, bands and labels.